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  1. The Azerbaijani laundromat: a new money laundering machine in a familiar guise

    D. Crijns, AMLC senior advisor Most of you are familiar to the so-called Russian laundromat, a $20 billion money laundering scheme during the period 2010 - 2014. A few weeks ago, the journalist collective OCCRP...

  2. Cash in rolled chicken meat

    Overijssel Court, 13 February 2018, cash in rolled chicken meat: ECLI:NL:RBOVE:2018:421 The suspect has emerged during a money laundering investigation, aimed at co-suspects in Aruba. The investigation showed that the suspect spoke in veiled terms...

  3. Money laundering by filing a tax return

    Court of Justice in The Hague, 15 September 2017: Money laundering by filing a tax return This was a case where fraud in medical expenses was brought to light. False invoices were made up in...

  4. Money laundering with Fortnite

    by D. Crijns, AMLC, February 2019 I previously wrote a background  article in which I examined the possibilities of money laundering by means of the game values used in internet games. Game values may be...

  5. Online games and money laundering

    By: D. Crijns, AMLC, 2016 During money laundering courses at the AMLC we are often asked how criminals use online games and the payment systems associated with them for money laundering purposes. In this article...

  6. Investigation into the Troika Laundromat

    Last week, the investigation collective OCCRP (Organized Crime and Corruption Project), in collaboration with, among others, Trouw, Investico platform for investigative journalism and De Groene Amsterdammer published the Troika laundromat. This Troika laundromat seems to have similar...

  7. Self laundering

    Section 420bis.1 of the Dutch Penal Code reads as follows: "Money laundering that consists of no more than acquiring and or being in possession of an object that originates directly from a person's own criminal...

  8. Overview ML-legislation EU-countries

    AMLC-NL made an overview of ML-legislation in EU-countries. This overview is largely based on information provided by the countries themselves. In 2014 the European Commission sent EU Member States a questionnaire in order to improve...

  9. Seizure of bitcoins

    The Court of Appeal of The Hague, dated 24 October 2018, seizure of bitcoins: ECLI:NL:GHDHA:2018:2821 In a criminal case, the Dutch Public Prosecution Service has had to return a large amount of bitcoins as it...

  10. Criminal bitcoins and money laundering

    In November 2017 two investigations dealing with the conversion of criminal bitcoins into cash were brought before a Dutch court. The first investigation covered a drug dealer who operated via Darknet; the drugs were paid...
