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  1. National Risk Assessment-NL

    The second Dutch National Risk Assessment, April 2024, carried out by the Dutch Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), commissioned by The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Security and Justice. Full text in Dutch...

  2. Non conviction based confiscation in the Netherlands and Europe

    Dr. Marie-Lena Marstaller, LL.M., AMLC, 2022 Introduction As part of the fight against undermining and organised crime, many countries use non conviction based confiscation (NCBC) instruments to extracts assets with a criminal origin from circulation...

  3. FATF review of The Netherlands

    De Financial Action Task Force (FATF) published an assessment report on 24 August 2022 about the Dutch policy regarding the tackling of money laundering, terrorism financing and the financing and spreading of weapons of mass...

  4. European court of Justice ruling about the UBO register

    On November 22 the European Court of Justice (hereinafter the Court) issued a ruling on the UBO register. The Court concluded that the provision in the European Anti-Money Laundering Directive (hereafter Directive), which requires member...

  5. FATF evaluation Netherlands

    The Financial Action Task Force or FATF makes periodical evaluations of different countries. Such an evaluation starts on the basis of what is referred to as a Mutual Evaluation, in which a team of experts...

  6. The FATF on the Travel Rule

    This summer, the Financial Action Task Force on money laundering (FATF) pointed out that a majority of countries have not yet implemented the FATF Crypto Guidance (read more here). The FATF Crypto Guidance includes the...

  7. AMLC in Europol Financial Intelligence Public Private Partnership Steering Group (EFIPPP)

    The EFIPPP is a global public–private partnership; a European partnership between investigative services, financial intelligence units and banking institutions which need to give insight into financial crime and money laundering. Background Inspired by the partnership...

  8. Alternative scenario, ruling of dutch supreme court

    The Netherlands Supreme Court dated 9 July 2019, alternative scenario: ECLI:NL:HR:2019:1137 The Court of Appeal based its conviction on the indirect method of proof. In short it means that an accused can be convicted of...

  9. Cash in rolled chicken meat

    Overijssel Court, 13 February 2018, cash in rolled chicken meat: ECLI:NL:RBOVE:2018:421 The suspect has emerged during a money laundering investigation, aimed at co-suspects in Aruba. The investigation showed that the suspect spoke in veiled terms...

  10. Money laundering by filing a tax return

    Court of Justice in The Hague, 15 September 2017: Money laundering by filing a tax return This was a case where fraud in medical expenses was brought to light. False invoices were made up in...
