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  1. Private investment funds and money laundering

    By Tom Debets and Lisette de Zeeuw Last year, through a hack of the US investigation services (blueleaks), among other things a document about money laundering through hedge funds and private equity firms was disclosed...

  2. Public-private partnership, TBML and the automotive sector

    By Tamara Pollard-Maijer A number of years ago, the AMLC started to invite chain partners to tackle Trade Based Money Laundering. We quickly concluded that the information positions of all organizations involved were so fragmented...

  3. Online gambling as a money laundering method

    Written by: Noortje Boere Until 1 October 2021, online gambling was prohibited in the Netherlands. With the introduction of the Remote Gaming Act ('Wet Kansspelen op Afstand’), this has changed. Online gambling with a licensed...

  4. Mirror trading, an opportunity for criminals?

    By Dorine Stahlie and Sophie de Ridder, AMLC In response to the FinCen files, several news items were published on mirror trading in connection with money laundering. Take for example the item in the FD...

  5. Wirecard viewed from a money laundering perspective

    Reflections on possible accounting fraud and money laundering constructions at Wirecard By Dick Crijns, senior advisor AMLC Background During the last two weeks I have been regularly asked questions about potential fraud at Wirecard. I...

  6. Cash limit

    Last summer, the Dutch government launched a money laundering action plan. The plan proposes measures to tackle money laundering by raising barriers, by making the gatekeeper function more effective, and by strengthening the investigation and...

  7. Money Laundering via digital books

    Diëgo Crijns, AMLC senior advisor During money laundering training sessions I show a lot of examples of how you can use ordinary things for money laundering. I am often asked “do criminals really do that?”....

  8. The Azerbaijani laundromat: a new money laundering machine in a familiar guise

    D. Crijns, AMLC senior advisor Most of you are familiar to the so-called Russian laundromat, a $20 billion money laundering scheme during the period 2010 - 2014. A few weeks ago, the journalist collective OCCRP...

  9. Money laundering with Fortnite

    by D. Crijns, AMLC, February 2019 I previously wrote a background  article in which I examined the possibilities of money laundering by means of the game values used in internet games. Game values may be...

  10. Online games and money laundering

    By: D. Crijns, AMLC, 2016 During money laundering courses at the AMLC we are often asked how criminals use online games and the payment systems associated with them for money laundering purposes. In this article...
